搜索 理查德·布赖尔

  • 丹麦王子哈姆雷特(肯尼思·布拉纳 Kenneth Branagh 饰)被传召回家参加父亲的葬礼以及自己母亲和叔父克劳迪斯的婚礼。父亲的突然离世,加上母亲的改嫁,使哈姆雷特终日郁郁寡欢。一次哈姆雷特在半夜里来到城堡高台上,与父亲的鬼魂相会,得知父王被叔父克劳迪斯毒死。鬼魂要求哈姆雷特向那个篡夺王位、霸占王妃的凶手复仇。背负了复仇任务的哈姆雷特决定用假装发疯的办法来掩饰自己,以窥探克劳迪斯的一举一动。随后他安排了一场宫廷戏,将国王被害一幕以戏剧形式表演出来。叔父看后原形毕露,而哈姆雷特却误杀了恋人(凯特·温丝莱特 Kate Winslet 饰)的父亲,导致恋人发疯死去。随后哈姆雷特的母亲也饮毒酒死亡,最终哈姆雷特愤怒杀死叔父。
  • Mr. Bean and Teddy venture into the loft to look for an umbrella and uncover items from past experiences, like the time Mr. Bean had to dress himself on the way to the dentist, or the time he fell asleep in moxia.cc church or when the Christmas turkey wound up on his head and even the time a tank crushed his Mini.
  •   Old miss Marple is on a train ride when she witnesses a murder in a passing train. She reports it to the police but they won't believe her: since no body can be found there can't have been any murder, right? As always, she begins her own investigation. The murder was committed while passing Ackenthorpe Hall and miss Marple gets herself a job there, mixing cleaning and cooking while searching the house for clues.
  •   Rachel James is shot through her kitchen window while having breakfast early one morning. She was having an affair with Dr. Julian Storrs, an Oxford professor who is a candidate for Master of Lonsdale College. When her next door neighbor is also killed however, Morse determines that the shooting of James may have been in error. Morse also suspects that he may have been a blackmailer. Both Storrs an his rival for the Masters position, Denis Cornford had secrets that would make them suspects. Morse determines that several others also had things to hide and any one of them could have committed the murders.
  •   这是一个小女孩的冒险故事,生活在维多利亚时代的女孩温迪(雷切尔·霍伍德 饰),出生在压抑的环境中,还整天被一个呆板顽固的父亲,扼杀她童年的快乐和梦想。温迪的好朋友约翰和米高,也遭受着同样的痛苦,他们梦想着有一天,能够学会在天上飞,这样他们就可以飞离令他们讨厌的家了。  终于有一个黑暗的夜晚,长着乳牙的小飞侠彼得·潘(杰里米·森普特 饰),飞到了他们的窗前,说要教会他们飞翔,带他们去一个美丽的地方。温迪、约翰和米高都高兴极了,于是,他们很快就跟着小飞侠学会了飞,而且飞到了一个美丽的海岛——梦幻岛。  原来,小飞侠是梦幻岛上永远也长不大的调皮小孩,他和小仙子一起生活在这个岛上,但两个人觉得多少有点寂寞,于是就请来了云蒂他们三个梦想飞的人类小孩。  飞到梦幻岛,温迪立刻被这个美丽而神秘的海岛吸引住了,这里有茂密的丛林、高大的树木,还有野蛮的印第安人,以及横行附近海面的坏蛋海盗。小飞侠带着温迪他们找到了六、七个隐蔽的树洞,这就是他们在梦幻岛上的家,平时他们在海盗的深处探险,晚上累了就回到树洞休息游戏。  温迪、约翰和米高本来可以在梦幻岛开心地嬉戏玩乐,和小飞侠与小仙女两位神秘朋友快乐的生活,优哉游哉,岂料,无恶不作的海盗铁钩船长(詹森·艾萨克 饰)带着他的一帮海盗前来大肆破坏。勇敢的小飞侠,这次要营救他的好朋友离开梦幻岛,为此他要与铁钩船长展开一轮激战……
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